“MEGA HOPE”cw“Zhong Kai Wang”Claim Negotiation

TIME:2018-11-26 02:36:06 浏览次数:1043次

Name of Ship: M/V “Mega Hope”
Registered owner: HR Hope SA
Joint bareboat charterers: Far Eastern Silo & Shipping (Panama) S.A.
Eastern Media International Corporation
P&I Club: West of England
Place: Shidao, Shandong Province
Work Period: February, 2015
Brief introduction:
Around 0200hrs on 27 November, 2014, the Panamanian bulk carrier M/V “Mega Hope” of Far Eastern Silo & Shipping (Panama) S.A. and Eastern Media International Corporation (as the joint bareboat charterers of M/V “Mega Hope”) collided with a Chinese bulk carrier M/V “Zhong Kai Wang” off Shidao. As a result, the starboard hull of M/V “Mega Hope” in way of cargo hold No.1 was broken, with water ingress into the cargo hold; the bow of M/V “Zhong Kai Wang” was damaged. For this accident, Beihai Rescue Bureau of Ministry of Transport dispatched “Bei Hai Jiu 116” for the escort/monitor service of M/V “Mega Hope”, as per order from Weihai Maritime Safety Administration (“Weihai MSA). Authorized by Eastern Media International Corporation, we negotiated with representative of Beihai Rescue Bureau of Ministry of Transport and helped settlement of the claim via a fulfilled mutual agreement.