“Zhe Hai 168”Project

TIME:2018-11-26 02:40:21 浏览次数:1146次

Name of Ship: “ZHE HAI 168”
Place:Palawan, Philippine
Work Project: April 2016-May 2016
Brief Introduction:
  On 20 April, 2016, M/v “ZHE HAI 168” laden with about 54,800mt of Nickel Ore in bulk departed Berong, Palawan, Philippine for China. On the way, she had accidentally touched underwater unknown object(s) at about 1911LT at a approximately position of 09 40.845N / 117 58.780E. After the accident, she sailed by herself and anchored in a position of 09 30.86 N / 118 01.86E off port of Berong. Authorized by the client, we cooperated with local salvor in Philippine, monitored onsite operation, gave advice whenever necessary etc. until the vessel sailed back to China.